How to do this? How to do that? So many questions pop up in my head! Googling for some information, helped from friends and the last... learning by doing... they all my best teacher
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Magnolia Sweetbay
Bumpy Gardener
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Roses & Moss Roses; Spring Bloom
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thornless Blackberry
Came with a long thin pot, with a tiny plant... too small than I expected.
As per their brosure, this plant totally thornless, yields up to 10 to 20 gallons of fruit per plant. Bears large sweet and juicy berries.
Soon... (wish less than 3 years from now), I'll need a lot good recipes for blackberry... fresh blackberry pie.... cobler...smoothy... ice cream... coulis... eemmm..... yum...yum........
Also about 1o days ago I'm seedling 2 pumpkin seeds , they germination very fast, 2 day ago I moved them to the ground, they look great and growing more...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Month later...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Summer come too early ?
Hey.... spring season has gone...?
This week also a busy week, we bough more plants from Lowe's; southern tomato, Areca Palm, Stella D'Oro & Bitsy Daylily, Petra Croton, Anita & Umbrella aka Arboricola Trinette (tropical indoor plant), also some roses : N-Joy , Don Juan and Miss All American Beauty.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Finnaly, I have Banana Trees in my Yard
My DH help me for dig up and I'm picking up 3 trees with different size, with hope all of them will survive and love their new 'home'
Also today I moved the cherry 3 in 1 tree from pot to the ground, so far 2 budding look grow up well. Can't wait until their blooming and harvest them...
I got this from Gardener's Choice, I'm not really happy with them, only 2 budding sprouting, so Ill only have 2 variety not 3 as they promised. Also I'm order Salad Tree and Strawberry tree from them, I received 3 of them as dormant trees and only cherry 3 in 1 who's survive. Send complaint by email and call their customer service almost everyday, but never get answer both email and my call !!!