My watermelon vine finnaly have wmelons,
I got Amaryllis seeds (11 varieties) from a 'friend' from 'Gardenweb Forum' ( 'll posting this soon),
Raining season was here... raining almost everyday !
After waiting from more than 2 months, finally my Turmeric rhizomes start sprouting !
And alot nice things happen in my garden this month........
About Turmeric, I planted the rhizomes in pot, about 5 cm deep and keep the soil moist but not over watering so they won't rot, keep them in the warm area. Both of them now have a long leaves and a bout a food tall, seem like I need to repot them soon.
Turmeric hate being drought, so keep the soil moist and well drained. During Autum and Winter, reduced watering and keep them indoor.
Their leaf good for cooking 'Indonesian Rendang', make it more flavour and tasty. The rhizomes are a very good for curry and give a yellow colour and good flavour for some Asian-India food. Also the Rhizome can use for traditional medicine, usually I make a herbal drink, mix them with palm sugar and some things else.
Turmeric is antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and even antiviral that may be useful in combating a variety of diseases.
So... get some fresh Turmeric rhizomes soon and starting use them for your food and for your herbal drink mix .