Friday, June 27, 2008

Stevia, Sweet Leaf Plants Care

Since the first time I got this plants on last April, my Stevia plants so far growing just so so... I'm still learning how to care this plants. Maybe I was spoiled them too much... but right now they look more stable, the time to let them alone and just watering once a week or when needed, because over watering could make them rot.

Fact about Stevia plant (from my experience and some sources) :
~ Stevia doesn’t like being moved around much.
~ Pinch the tips monthly to encourage side branching.
~ Always pinch off flowers to produce the sweetest leaves.
~ Fresh seed more easy to germinate than older seed, so if you get fresh seed you might go ahead & start seedling rather than saving them.
~ For cutting and rooting stevia, take tip cuttings about 3-4 inches long strip, off the bottom leaves and stick in good potting soil, In shade and mist.
~ For highest glycoside /sugar content, harvest only in the morning and before or just as the flowers starts to bloom.

A leggy Stevia, after pinched

A week later, a new growing shoots

Hope this information will helpful, good luck for your sweet leaf plants....

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